Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Plyo Psycho
Day 62: Plyometrics Just a quickie to say that Plyo today kicked my tail. And I enjoyed every minute of it. Am I sick or what?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Yoga Sunday, Double Trouble Monday
So some social engagements (again), plus some much needed sleep disrupted my plans on Friday and Saturday, so things kinda got pushed around a bit.
Day 60.1 Yoga X
Pulled out the mat and block on Sunday for probably one of the best sessions of Yoga X I've had in awhile. The whole Moving Asanas section went quite well. I am really getting the hang of making adjustments in my positioning to get to and maintain the holds as well as possible. And breakling a huge sweat at the same time.
The Balance Postures were okay. My problematic right leg threatened to betray me, but I managed to hang in there and not completely fall out of the poses. Also got throught the Floor Work and Yoga Belly 7 on par with the last time. The more I do Yoga X the more confident I feel about it and that hour and half actually seems to go by so much quicker now. So now I am getting the days back on track with the whole Phase 3 re-boost.
Day 61: Legs & Back, Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and Ab Ripper X
So today I was determined to make up for lost time and pull my first double! Wow, that was quite intense. Pretty much everything got worked on today. Starting with Legs & Back, pretty much went toe-to-toe with Tony & friends on the leg exercises. A little shaky at the start with the Balance Lunges, but after that things went on swimmingly. I up graded to the green band on the Pull-Up exercises. Numbers dipped slightly due to the added resistance. But I was sort of expecting that. Still did respectably on those.
I held off on Ab Ripper X and went right into Chest Shoulders & Triceps. So this workout had some adjustments to it from last time. I was determined to continue my quest for completing all Push-Up exercises off of my knees. I was pretty successful with that notion during the first half of this workout. I was pretty spent from the Legs & Back workout and numbers on the Push-ups took a downturn. But since I was doing them extended legs, I am okay with that because the effort was definitely there.
Returned to my knees for the second half of the workout and numbers went back yo where they were before. The other adjustment I made to this workout is using different bands on the shoulders and tricep exercises. Now that I have a better variety of bands to choose from I was able to up grade to the green on the exercises that were becoming less challenging. And I was able to downgrade to the burgundy which allowed my to get proper extension and form on the ones that the red band would not allow. this was very evident with the Shoulder Flys, Scarecrows, Pour Flys, Slo-Mo Throws and Fly-Row Presses, of which I got a personal best of 11 done! Numbers were the same for the most part, but better form was the norm and I am happy about that.
So Ab Ripper X finally rolled around and as wasted as I was starting to feel, I knew I couldn't quit now, so I dived right in. This session was on par with the last one, which was good. At this point I am still modifying when necessary, especially on the sit-ups, which are still glorified crunches for me at this point. Plus I still have to hold up my legs for the Pulse-ups. But I can feel definite improvement in completing the exercises.
I was back to 11 of the V-Up/Roll-Ups! My goal is to get back to and surpass 12 and finally get to 25. But I think the nature of that exercise combined with my still prominent girth will make that a long journey. But I will get there.
All-in-all, very happy with how my first Doubles turned out. Not sure if I am ready to do that on a regular basis, but my messed up schedule necessitated the need to do it today. I think this week will be free and clear without distractions and I can get through week 2 of Phase 3 with any bumps in the road.
Day 60.1 Yoga X
Pulled out the mat and block on Sunday for probably one of the best sessions of Yoga X I've had in awhile. The whole Moving Asanas section went quite well. I am really getting the hang of making adjustments in my positioning to get to and maintain the holds as well as possible. And breakling a huge sweat at the same time.
The Balance Postures were okay. My problematic right leg threatened to betray me, but I managed to hang in there and not completely fall out of the poses. Also got throught the Floor Work and Yoga Belly 7 on par with the last time. The more I do Yoga X the more confident I feel about it and that hour and half actually seems to go by so much quicker now. So now I am getting the days back on track with the whole Phase 3 re-boost.
Day 61: Legs & Back, Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and Ab Ripper X
So today I was determined to make up for lost time and pull my first double! Wow, that was quite intense. Pretty much everything got worked on today. Starting with Legs & Back, pretty much went toe-to-toe with Tony & friends on the leg exercises. A little shaky at the start with the Balance Lunges, but after that things went on swimmingly. I up graded to the green band on the Pull-Up exercises. Numbers dipped slightly due to the added resistance. But I was sort of expecting that. Still did respectably on those.
I held off on Ab Ripper X and went right into Chest Shoulders & Triceps. So this workout had some adjustments to it from last time. I was determined to continue my quest for completing all Push-Up exercises off of my knees. I was pretty successful with that notion during the first half of this workout. I was pretty spent from the Legs & Back workout and numbers on the Push-ups took a downturn. But since I was doing them extended legs, I am okay with that because the effort was definitely there.
Returned to my knees for the second half of the workout and numbers went back yo where they were before. The other adjustment I made to this workout is using different bands on the shoulders and tricep exercises. Now that I have a better variety of bands to choose from I was able to up grade to the green on the exercises that were becoming less challenging. And I was able to downgrade to the burgundy which allowed my to get proper extension and form on the ones that the red band would not allow. this was very evident with the Shoulder Flys, Scarecrows, Pour Flys, Slo-Mo Throws and Fly-Row Presses, of which I got a personal best of 11 done! Numbers were the same for the most part, but better form was the norm and I am happy about that.
So Ab Ripper X finally rolled around and as wasted as I was starting to feel, I knew I couldn't quit now, so I dived right in. This session was on par with the last one, which was good. At this point I am still modifying when necessary, especially on the sit-ups, which are still glorified crunches for me at this point. Plus I still have to hold up my legs for the Pulse-ups. But I can feel definite improvement in completing the exercises.
I was back to 11 of the V-Up/Roll-Ups! My goal is to get back to and surpass 12 and finally get to 25. But I think the nature of that exercise combined with my still prominent girth will make that a long journey. But I will get there.
All-in-all, very happy with how my first Doubles turned out. Not sure if I am ready to do that on a regular basis, but my messed up schedule necessitated the need to do it today. I think this week will be free and clear without distractions and I can get through week 2 of Phase 3 with any bumps in the road.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This was a good day . . .
This was a good day! My new shipment of Shakeology arrived, along with some new resistance bands, which now gives me a better variety to choose from for my workouts! I went into this one ready to Bring It!
So I got a change to change things up somewhat with this workout and used a variety of bands for maximum effect throughout. Numbers were steady for the most part. A little lower where I upgraded to the green band. And a few more when I used the lighter burgundy band for the exercises I was having form issues with. Overall a great workout and feel like I really pushed myself from beginning to end.
A few highlights include extending my legs for the Chair Dips instead of bending my knees managed to knockout 24/25. And personal best numbers on the Tricep Extensions. Overall, my numbers were up on all of the Tricep exercises. I worked so hard, I actually felt slightly queasy after I was done.
I feel like redeemed myself somewhat with todays Ab Ripper X. Got another strong set of Hip Rock N Raises done. And completed 10 of the V-Up/Roll-Ups, after only doing 5 last time. Now I just need to get back to 12 and eventually get up to 25. That will come in time. So I am quite happy with todays work.
Switching things up a bit and doing Kenpo X tomorrow and moving Yoga X to Saturday. Phase 3 is continuing on a high note.
Oh, yeah. I hope it's not to soon to make this call, but it looks like the weight is starting to drop again. At least as of the last weigh in. Where the number had been holding steady and even going up a pound or two in the last couple of weeks or so, I was down 3 pounds from this time last week! I feel like I am pack on track after a shaky Phase 2.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Fun Continues . . .
Day 58.1: Plyometrics
This one will be short and sweet. Had one heck of a Plyo session this evening. At first I was gonna do it this morning after getting home from work, but I was quite tired. Decided instead to get to bed and get some sleep. Woke up refreshed and ready to go. Got a really good sweat going. As usual, had the speghetti legs in the first half, but picked up steam in the second half and finished good and strong! Plyo kicks my butt everytime, but I LOVE it!! Phase 3 re-boot continues on a positive trajectory!
This one will be short and sweet. Had one heck of a Plyo session this evening. At first I was gonna do it this morning after getting home from work, but I was quite tired. Decided instead to get to bed and get some sleep. Woke up refreshed and ready to go. Got a really good sweat going. As usual, had the speghetti legs in the first half, but picked up steam in the second half and finished good and strong! Plyo kicks my butt everytime, but I LOVE it!! Phase 3 re-boot continues on a positive trajectory!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Off Your Knees!!
So after two weeks of off-and-on, I decided to just re-boot and start Phase 3 again from scratch. And I feel like I did so with a bit of a bang . . .
Day 57.1: Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X
So this turned out to be a reboot in a couple of different ways. First, since my red resistance band decided to go to workout haven by snapping on me last week, I was forced to move up to the green band, which is a bit heavier and provides more resistance. I had been contemplating moving to green for awhile so it was good that I was sort of forced to. So I decided I need to step things up a notch for the whole workout, so I also decided it was time to get off my knees for all of the push-up exercises. It was a challenge, But I am proud to say that I did not drop to me knees on any of them. Of course, this drove my rep numbers down, but not nearly as much as I expected. Where before I was averaging 20-25 on my knees, I was going from 12-15 off my knees. I actually managed 20 Standards at the start which certainly set the tone for the rest of the workout.
The banded exercises were pretty much comparable to before, but I had to put much more effort into getting those numbers with the increased resistance provided by the green band.
Overall, a great re-booting to this phase.
As for Ab Ripper X, it was kind of a mixed bag, but mostly positive. I was pretty spent heading into it, but it had to be done. Oddly enough my nemesis, the Hip Rock and Raise was probably my strongest effort yet. However, I really struggled with the V-up/Roll-Ups today. Where before I had been averaging 10 - 12, I was only able to do 5 today. I don't know what was different, maybe the amount of time since I did them last was a factor. Other than that ARX went pretty much as well as it has been.
Feeling good about today. It felt good to get off the knees on the push-ups. Hope to keep this momentum going. Plyo returns tomorrow!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Okay, okay . . . .
I know I've been a bit lax in reporting here of late. Well, the last 2 weeks have been sort of crazy. I have to work extra hours on the job a few days and also had other engagements and all of that sort of threw my routine off and I was not able to consistently workout during that time. Plus, I fell a bit off the wagon with the diet. Not too badly, but enough. My biggest saving grace was continuing to do my nightly 2 mile hike into work. So at the very least, even though I haven't lost any more weight during this time, I also didn't gain any. Therefore I wil be starting Phase 3 all over again tomorrow and go all the way to the end. I will work hard and re-focus on eating healthy again like I did for the first 2/3 thirds of this round. And I will be bothering you again right here and keeping you up to date.

Now, on to something else! So I was going thru some of my pics on Facebook and was looking at ones that were taken between late fall and early winter of 2010 and then looking at some of the more current ones. Even though I know my body has changed a little, i.e. clothes fitting looser, and people telling me I look like I had lost quite a bit of weight, I really didn't truly see it until I compared the pics. I picked one particular photo from back in November and compared it to one that was taken of me last week. Even if the difference was not huge, the difference was definitely there. So I am planning to use that as further motivation to keep working hard and keep Pressing Play . . . and most of all KEEP BRINGING IT!!
Below is the side-by-side comparison.
Like I said, not a major difference, but a noticeable one. I know I can keep this going and I will! Thanx to all for the support and kind words and I will see you here tomorrow with a new update!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Snap To It!
So the last couple of days of last week sort of discombobulated my schedule, so I'm gonna have to re-jigger things, most likely on the weekends, or near the end before final recovery. My foray into town Saturday resulted in a little bit of serious hiking, and more was done, even though a bit more leisurely, at a local state park on Sunday. Anyway, that makes today:
Day 60: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and Ab Ripper X
Man, I really was not in the mood to X it today. But I knew I had to get it done, so i pooped in the DVD and pressed play. The result was like always, the best workouts happen when you least want to do them. I don't know why, but that seems to be the case with me. The combination of my pre-workout listlessness and dedication to form resulted in rep numbers skewing lower in the first half, but picking up a bit in the latter half.
I managed 15 One-Arm Push Ups today, the most I've ever done. And 45 Cross Body Blows, also a personal best. and this despite my resistance ban snapping on me in that last exercise. Luckily it snapped right at the handle and hit the floor and not me, so I was able to loop the torn end around my hand and restart that section of the DVD and complete the exercise with more vigor than I have before.
This led to a pretty strong Ab Ripper X and a great sense of accomplishment, in light of how i was feeling going in. Feeling good. Plyo returns tomorrow!! Woo!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Off the Shoulder
Some evening activities forced and abbreviated workout tonight . . .
Day #59. Shoulders & Arms
I was a little pressed for time today so I pretty much just did the main part of the workout today. I had to forego the Bonus Round as well as Ab Ripper X. But the work that was done today was good and intense. I found myself kind of just going thru the motions at the start, but once I got to the second round of the first set of exercises, I was able to focus on the task at hand. Realizing that I was gonna cut this workout short meant I had to really bring some intensity. That combined with a continued focus on form lead to rep numbers that were even with or slightly below the last time I did this workout 6 weekes ago. But the highlight has to be the 27 Chair Dips I completed on the second round of the second set! I think that's the most I have completed, so next time I will try it out with my legs extended instead of the bent kness and see what happens.
I am switching things up in this Phase and swapping out the Kenpo and Yoga days, which means Kenpo happens tomorrow, with a makeup session of Ab Ripper X and Yoga this weekend. Things are moving right along . . . .
Day #59. Shoulders & Arms
I was a little pressed for time today so I pretty much just did the main part of the workout today. I had to forego the Bonus Round as well as Ab Ripper X. But the work that was done today was good and intense. I found myself kind of just going thru the motions at the start, but once I got to the second round of the first set of exercises, I was able to focus on the task at hand. Realizing that I was gonna cut this workout short meant I had to really bring some intensity. That combined with a continued focus on form lead to rep numbers that were even with or slightly below the last time I did this workout 6 weekes ago. But the highlight has to be the 27 Chair Dips I completed on the second round of the second set! I think that's the most I have completed, so next time I will try it out with my legs extended instead of the bent kness and see what happens.
I am switching things up in this Phase and swapping out the Kenpo and Yoga days, which means Kenpo happens tomorrow, with a makeup session of Ab Ripper X and Yoga this weekend. Things are moving right along . . . .
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Plyo. Done. Moist.
Day 58: Plyometrics
My legs were still a little bit sore going into Plyo tonight. The first half with all of those damn squats was particularly brutal. I thought I might have to pause the DVD a few times, but I did not. I just kept drudging on through. I got my usual Plyo second wind after the halfway mark and made it all the way to the end. The Sports bonus is my favorite part still. Always finish strong with it. Got to the end and was rewarded with a drenched tank top and some Recovery Drink! It was Brought tonight!
My legs were still a little bit sore going into Plyo tonight. The first half with all of those damn squats was particularly brutal. I thought I might have to pause the DVD a few times, but I did not. I just kept drudging on through. I got my usual Plyo second wind after the halfway mark and made it all the way to the end. The Sports bonus is my favorite part still. Always finish strong with it. Got to the end and was rewarded with a drenched tank top and some Recovery Drink! It was Brought tonight!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Back to the Real World
I know I haven't reported here in over a week, but I have not gone anywhere. You can't get rid of me that easily . . . .
So let me start by saying what a great time I had this past weekend on my Bahamas Cruise!! And even though I took a small break from P90X, my body most certainly did not get a break. After Recovery Week concluded last week, I selected a few X workouts to do on the days leading up to my departure on Thursday. And I can honestly say that between walking through airports, sometimes with a 30 pound backpack on my shoulder or back, walking thru Nassau, using the gym facility on the ship, using the running track on the ship, using the stairs instead of the elevator on the ship and swimming in and treading through the water at the beach, my body got quite the workout over the past few days. I was actually kinda sore all over when I got up this morning.
As far as the diet. I will be honest and confess to indulging in some foods and desserts that I have been avoiding pretty much since the beginning of the year. But for the most part I consumed grilled meats, lots of veggies and some fruits. And outside of a few cocktails and half a soda, I primarily drank water throughout the whole cruise. And according to the scale I only put on 3 pounds since my last weigh-in, and I totally expected that number to be higher. So even though I had a wonderful vacation, I feel confident that I didn't completely overdo things and found it fairly easy to get back into the groove.
Day 57: Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X
So Phase 3 got off to a pretty good start. Like I said, I was a bit sore from the weekends activities, but I knew that I had to Press Play and get this last phase of this round underway. So I decided that it was time to get off my knees on the push-ups today. I did just that on the first cycle of the workout. Now I did have to drop back down to my knees to finish out each set, but I did at least 10 or more of each off of my knees, with the most being 15 of the Wide Fly Push-Ups. 7 seemed to be the magic number for when I had to drop back to my knees, except for 12 on the Standards. On the second round, I reverted back to the knees because, I was kinda drained.
Numbers on the banded back exercises and Pull-Ups pretty much held sort of steady. Reps were up or down by 1-3 throughout. By the time I was done, I actually felt like I was about to throw-up a little, but thankfully that did not happen.
The tinge of queasiness almost caused me to bow out of Ab Ripper X, but I really wanted to get it done and finish strong for the day, so I let the DVD continue and got on the floor. This session was pretty much on par with the last time I did Ab Ripper X which was like 2 Fridays ago. It was a struggle, however. I had to take 2 small breaks during the Hip Rock and Raises, and dropped back to 11 of the V-Up/Roll-Ups and really fought for that last one. I can't tell you how happy I was when ARX was over. But even more than that, I was happier that I finished and did not give up!
So we are back to business here. I really want to make a great effort to make Phase 3 the strongest part of this round and really Bring It hard and finish this round on a high note! It's good to be back!
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