Thursday, March 10, 2011

Off the Shoulder

Some evening activities forced and abbreviated workout tonight . . .

Day #59. Shoulders & Arms
I was a little pressed for time today so I pretty much just did the main part of the workout today. I had to forego the Bonus Round as well as Ab Ripper X. But the work that was done today was good and intense. I found myself kind of just going thru the motions at the start, but once I got to the second round of the first set of exercises, I was able to focus on the task at hand. Realizing that I was gonna cut this workout short meant I had to really bring some intensity. That combined with a continued focus on form lead to rep numbers that were even with or slightly below the last time I did this workout 6 weekes ago. But the highlight has to be the 27 Chair Dips I completed on the second round of the second set! I think that's the most I have completed, so next time I will try it out with my legs extended instead of the bent kness and see what happens.

I am switching things up in this Phase and swapping out the Kenpo and Yoga days, which means Kenpo happens tomorrow, with a makeup session of Ab Ripper X and Yoga this weekend. Things are moving right along . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are making awesome progress! Keep up the great work!
