Sunday, March 20, 2011

Okay, okay . . . .

I know I've been a bit lax in reporting here of late. Well, the last 2 weeks have been sort of crazy. I have to work extra hours on the job a few days and also had other engagements and all of that sort of threw my routine off and I was not able to consistently workout during that time. Plus, I fell a bit off the wagon with the diet. Not too badly, but enough. My biggest saving grace was continuing to do my nightly 2 mile hike into work. So at the very least, even though I haven't lost any more weight during this time, I also didn't gain any. Therefore I wil be starting Phase 3 all over again tomorrow and go all the way to the end. I will work hard and re-focus on eating healthy again like I did for the first 2/3 thirds of this round. And I will be bothering you again right here and keeping you up to date.

Now, on to something else! So I was going thru some of my pics on Facebook and was looking at ones that were taken between late fall and early winter of 2010 and then looking at some of the more current ones. Even though I know my body has changed a little, i.e. clothes fitting looser, and people telling me I look like I had lost quite a bit of weight, I really didn't truly see it until I compared the pics. I picked one particular photo from back in November and compared it to one that was taken of me last week. Even if the difference was not huge, the difference was definitely there. So I am planning to use that as further motivation to keep working hard and keep Pressing Play . . . and most of all KEEP BRINGING IT!!

Below is the side-by-side comparison.

Like I said, not a major difference, but a noticeable one. I know I can keep this going and I will! Thanx to all for the support and kind words and I will see you here tomorrow with a new update!!

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