So today marked my 44th year of sharing the planet with you. It was a mild roller coaster of a day. No major celebrating. After a small RE-preview last week, I have hopped back onto that horse called P90X. Got in a good Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X workout! I made the mistake of not eating anything substantial ahead of it. I did eat an apple and drank water. Even though I made it through the workout, with much modification due to my hiatus, I thought I was gonna toss a jar of cookies by the end of it. But I didn't. Thank goodness. Beyond that, it felt good to sweat again. My goal is to stick with the program and really make a solid effort to adjust my nutrition. I would like to complete 4 rounds and celebrate my success by entering year 45 in the best health ever for me.
Anyhoo, it feels good to be back! Let's see where the journey takes us this go-'round!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
For a Good Stretch
Still sort of getting back into the swing of things with P90X. The little annoying issue with my right legs has subsided somewhat, but is still there. So instead of doing Yoga X, I opted for X Stretch instead. It was a good session. I haven't done Yoga X in about 3 weeks now, but I am eager to get back to it. I have definitely decided to complete Week 7 from beginning to end next week. This weekend will serve as a supplemental session, as i will get my Kenpo X, Legs & Back and Back & Biceps workouts in during the next three days. And then I am off and running again beginning on Monday.
P.S.> I've got a plan to supplement the rest of this round with some extras. Not gonna talk about it just yet. I will try it out and see how it works. I am excited about it . . .
P.S.> I've got a plan to supplement the rest of this round with some extras. Not gonna talk about it just yet. I will try it out and see how it works. I am excited about it . . .
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Bringing It Back!
So the last couple of weeks or so have been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me as I have had to sort of deal with some personal issues. And as much as I didn't want it to, it sort of derailed my progress a bit. My Week 7 was all messed up as I only completed half of it, then when I attempted to redeem myself the followeing week, I only got to Tuesday. And then this week, I didn't even get it started. But I am putting that behind me now and getting back in the saddle. I didn't want to completely start from the beginning, so what I am doing is sort of making up the best way I can for what I missed. So today was my re-do of Day 45.
Day 45 (Version 2.0) - Plyometrics / Chest, Shoulders & Triceps / Ab Ripper X
So yeah, I got off my butt and decided to double things up today. I was concerned that after being on and off for the last few days, that this was gonna be absolutely dreadful. I couldn't've been more wrong. I did take it a little easier on the Plyo because I had been having a small issue with my right knee, or specifically the area just below it and towards the calf. So any of the exercises that involved leaping or jumping, I played it safe and just barely hopped off of the floor. Still brought as much intensity as I could elsewhere and ended it with a soaked tank top. It almost felt like I never left.
So I skipped the cool down and popped in the Chest, Shoulders & Triceps DVD. I was still quite warmed-up from the Plyo, so I skipped ahead to the Slow-Motion 3-N-1 Pushups. Throughout most of this workout, my pushups were not quite on par with the last time I successfully completed this workout. But I did my best and forgot the rest and kept chugging along. Like in my previous posts, I decided not to record the numbers until I am back on the cycle, but I think I was probaby just slightly sub-par with all of the resistance exercises. Not a total washout by any means, but not quite where I was before. Understandable after the half-hiatus.
Moving on to Ab Ripper X. I went back and forth on doing it. By this point I was pretty much spent. But I thought, hey, it's only fifteen minutes. And I knew I wouldn't forgive myself for getting this far today and not going through with it. So I put out the workout mat and went for it. I knew this was gonna be tough, but it had to be done. I am happy to say that I still managed to do the sit-up exercises. Not as many as before, but I felt good that I was still able to do them and not revert to crunching. The rest was surprisingly on par with the last time I did ARX.
It was good to see Tony's face again, and even better to be on the floor and getting back into the swing of things. I am now pondering redoing Week 7 from beginning to end next week. I have this burning need to complete the week as outlined before moving ahead with the next Recovery week. I believe that is what my plan is. That will certainly set the tone for the second half of this round of P90X.
So to honor my return to X-Land, I present Dolly Parton and "Here You Come Again." . . . . and here I go! Have a good one. See you here tomorrow!
Day 45 (Version 2.0) - Plyometrics / Chest, Shoulders & Triceps / Ab Ripper X
So yeah, I got off my butt and decided to double things up today. I was concerned that after being on and off for the last few days, that this was gonna be absolutely dreadful. I couldn't've been more wrong. I did take it a little easier on the Plyo because I had been having a small issue with my right knee, or specifically the area just below it and towards the calf. So any of the exercises that involved leaping or jumping, I played it safe and just barely hopped off of the floor. Still brought as much intensity as I could elsewhere and ended it with a soaked tank top. It almost felt like I never left.
So I skipped the cool down and popped in the Chest, Shoulders & Triceps DVD. I was still quite warmed-up from the Plyo, so I skipped ahead to the Slow-Motion 3-N-1 Pushups. Throughout most of this workout, my pushups were not quite on par with the last time I successfully completed this workout. But I did my best and forgot the rest and kept chugging along. Like in my previous posts, I decided not to record the numbers until I am back on the cycle, but I think I was probaby just slightly sub-par with all of the resistance exercises. Not a total washout by any means, but not quite where I was before. Understandable after the half-hiatus.
Moving on to Ab Ripper X. I went back and forth on doing it. By this point I was pretty much spent. But I thought, hey, it's only fifteen minutes. And I knew I wouldn't forgive myself for getting this far today and not going through with it. So I put out the workout mat and went for it. I knew this was gonna be tough, but it had to be done. I am happy to say that I still managed to do the sit-up exercises. Not as many as before, but I felt good that I was still able to do them and not revert to crunching. The rest was surprisingly on par with the last time I did ARX.
It was good to see Tony's face again, and even better to be on the floor and getting back into the swing of things. I am now pondering redoing Week 7 from beginning to end next week. I have this burning need to complete the week as outlined before moving ahead with the next Recovery week. I believe that is what my plan is. That will certainly set the tone for the second half of this round of P90X.
So to honor my return to X-Land, I present Dolly Parton and "Here You Come Again." . . . . and here I go! Have a good one. See you here tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Jumpin' Jumpin'
Dragged myself outta bed and hit the "gym" and pressed play. YAY!!

Day 44 (Version 2.0) - Plyometrics
It still amazes me how the better workouts seem to be the ones where you really don't feel like hitting. Somehow the blood starts pumping, the energy starts buzzing and you are jumping and sweating like a mad man. yeah that was me this evening. My legs were really feeling this Plyo workout tonight. Had to take several mini-breaks, but kept them short. The thing about Plyo with me is that no

matter how challenging it is on a given day, I always tell myself "You gotta make it to Football Hero, you gotta make it to Football Hero!" I like to finish a workout strong, and Football Hero always gives me the opportunity to do that.
Overall, a good workout! I am happy. Again, not detailing the workouts until I get to my official Day 46 which will be here soon.
How 'bout a little Destiny's Child and "Jumpin' Jumpin' "! Have a good night!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Back in the Game . . .
So the first half of last week was awesome. Started the week off pulling a double and then reached the halfway mark on a high note. Then, the latter half of last week just totally fell into a Cuisinart and got totally pureed. Had several things happening and not enough time and energy and sleep to do it all. So I ended up missing my Yoga X, Back & Biceps and Kenpo X workouts. Luckily I didn't do any binging or go crazy with the eating. I will confess to having some ice cream after a very spicy Indian dinner on Friday night, but beyond that, I didn't go flying off the wagon. So I decided to just do a do-over and start the week fresh. The plan is to follow the schedule as it was laid for last week and pick up the counting and the detailed journaling when I hit the point where I left off on Thursday, starting completely over didn't make sense since I only see this as a stumble and not a tumble. Kinda wacky I know, but this will work for me

Day 43 (Version 2.0) - Chest Shoulders and Triceps / Ab Ripper X

So I did not record my workout today because I am sort of supplementing the impromptu break. That doesn't mean I didn't work just as hard, however. I was concerned going in that the break may result in a struggle. But I am happy to say things went okay. I guess having the first 45 days of work behind me paid off in that I didn't feel like I was starting over from scratch. It took me a minute to get into the groove. But I think I found it. I would say that today's workout was maybe only slightly less below par from last Monday. There were a few places where I took a mini-break or didn't start right away with Tony & Friends. But for the most part, especially in the latter half, I did bring it and it felt like I never left.
Same with Ab Ripper X. The Wide Leg Sit-up and the Roll-Up/V-Up Combos were a bit more challenging than the last time, but everything else was pretty much on the same level as the last time I did this last Wednesday. So all-in-all, I fee like I am on track to getting back in the swing of things overall and really tackle the second half of this round of P90X.
This song from Queen says it all, "The Show Must Go On." Feels good to be back on track! See you here tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Halfway There!
Well here we are at the halfway benchmark. I have to be honest, when I started this, I wasn't sure if I was gonna last a week, and now I am in the homestretch of Week 7! Feeling good, things are moving along swimmingly. I still need to conquer the nutrition end a little better, but overall, things are great. Feeling better, clothes are little looser, and gaining a more and more positive outlook on life. In the words of Martha Stewart, P90X: It's a good thing!
Day 45 - Back & Biceps / Ab Ripper X
I entered this workout in an upbeat kinda mood. I was actually kinda antsy and ready to go and was wishing Tony would stop talking and start moving! Although, I have to say he is quite the motivator, and quite the goofball. He really makes the torture a lot of fun. So my mantra lately has been Form, Form, Form! I am at the point where I really want to make sure I am doing the exercises correctly to get the maximum effect from them. With that in mind, my rep numbers lately have been closer to even, and in some cases a little less than before. Quality over quantity. Let's review the numbers . . .
Wide Front Pull-Ups: 25 0
Lawnmowers: 18 left/17 right +1/0
Twenty-Ones: 21
One-Arm Cross-Body Curls: 15 +2
Switch Grip Pull-Ups: 22 +2
Elbows-Out Lawnmowers: 13 left/ 12 right 0/-1
Standing Bicep Curls: 15 0
One-Arm Concentration Curls: 15 left/15 right 0/-1
Corn Cop Pull-Ups: 10 0
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows: 14 -1
Open Arm Curls: 18 +1
Static Arm Curls: 20 -4
Towel Pull-Ups: 18 +3
Congdon Locomotives: 35 -5
Crouching Cohen Curls: 19 +1
One-Arm Corkscrew Curls: 17 +1
Chin-Ups: 21 0
Bent Over Back Flys: 18 0
Curl-Up/Hammer Downs: 17 -3
Hammer Curls: 13 +1
Max Rep Pull-Ups (Wide Grip): 25 +1
In-Out Hammer Curls: 13 +1
Strip-set Curls: 32 +5
Plus, had a very strong set of Supermans, as well! This was a good set, resulting in an extremely soaked tshirt! I notice a big difference when I focus on form and not just trying to get high reps in. I have already been doing a good number of reps on most of my exercises in general all along. In tryin to get high numbers, I sometimes sacrificed form, which in turn sacrifices benefits. So heading into the second half of my first round of P90X, I will most definitely make proper form a top priority.
Had another great Ab Ripper X as well. I have a ways to go before doing a perfect set of ARX, but I have also come a long way in the last seven weeks. I completed 17 Wide-Lg Sit-ups! The most so far! Also completed 17 Hip Rock N Raises, also a personal best. My Roll-Up/V-Up Combo has really vastly improved form-wise. I got 12 completed, but more importantly, they were completed the closest to proper form than ever before. Also seeing some minor positioning improvment on the Leg Climb. Got my back a little further up from the floor. Still having some issues with the Fifer Scissor and the Pulse-Ups, but seeing how well I am coming along in other places gives me confidence that I well improve on those as well.
So the Halfway Hurdle has been cleared. Now it's time to kick it up a notch and finish this round strong!!
So one of my favorite singers is Celine Dion. I know apparently it's not "cool" to like her, but I don't care. I am a fan. So there! And this is one of my favorite songs from her, "Halfway to Heaven." Hope all is well in your world!
Day 45 - Back & Biceps / Ab Ripper X

Wide Front Pull-Ups: 25 0
Lawnmowers: 18 left/17 right +1/0
Twenty-Ones: 21
One-Arm Cross-Body Curls: 15 +2
Switch Grip Pull-Ups: 22 +2
Elbows-Out Lawnmowers: 13 left/ 12 right 0/-1
Standing Bicep Curls: 15 0
One-Arm Concentration Curls: 15 left/15 right 0/-1
Corn Cop Pull-Ups: 10 0
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows: 14 -1
Open Arm Curls: 18 +1
Static Arm Curls: 20 -4
Towel Pull-Ups: 18 +3
Congdon Locomotives: 35 -5
Crouching Cohen Curls: 19 +1
One-Arm Corkscrew Curls: 17 +1
Chin-Ups: 21 0
Bent Over Back Flys: 18 0
Curl-Up/Hammer Downs: 17 -3
Hammer Curls: 13 +1
Max Rep Pull-Ups (Wide Grip): 25 +1
In-Out Hammer Curls: 13 +1
Strip-set Curls: 32 +5
Plus, had a very strong set of Supermans, as well! This was a good set, resulting in an extremely soaked tshirt! I notice a big difference when I focus on form and not just trying to get high reps in. I have already been doing a good number of reps on most of my exercises in general all along. In tryin to get high numbers, I sometimes sacrificed form, which in turn sacrifices benefits. So heading into the second half of my first round of P90X, I will most definitely make proper form a top priority.
Had another great Ab Ripper X as well. I have a ways to go before doing a perfect set of ARX, but I have also come a long way in the last seven weeks. I completed 17 Wide-Lg Sit-ups! The most so far! Also completed 17 Hip Rock N Raises, also a personal best. My Roll-Up/V-Up Combo has really vastly improved form-wise. I got 12 completed, but more importantly, they were completed the closest to proper form than ever before. Also seeing some minor positioning improvment on the Leg Climb. Got my back a little further up from the floor. Still having some issues with the Fifer Scissor and the Pulse-Ups, but seeing how well I am coming along in other places gives me confidence that I well improve on those as well.
So the Halfway Hurdle has been cleared. Now it's time to kick it up a notch and finish this round strong!!
So one of my favorite singers is Celine Dion. I know apparently it's not "cool" to like her, but I don't care. I am a fan. So there! And this is one of my favorite songs from her, "Halfway to Heaven." Hope all is well in your world!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Fun Continues
Day 44 - Plyometrics

Just keeping it short and sweet tonight. Ripped through another excellent Plyo work. Sweat, sweat and more sweat. Feeling great. Tomorrow marks the half mark!! Wow! The one thing I love about the workouts, and I think it applies the most to Plyo, is I can go in feeling like I don't really want to do it, but once I get in the zone it becomes a goal to make it to the finish line. And always feels so good to get there. Such a real sense of accomplishment.
Here's your song. "Jump (or My Love)" by the Pointer Sisters. Have a good night!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Mucho Mondo Make-Up Monday!!!
Talk about a total 180. I was bound and determined to make up for the schlumpy weekend I just had. I had this crazy notion that I would start off with Kenpo X and then move right into Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. How'd it go? Read on . . .

Day 43 - Kenpo X / Chest, Shoulders & Triceps / Ab Ripper X
Well this was gonna turn out either really great, or really meh. Thankfully it leaned toward the former and not the latter. I never fail to get inspiration from reading the messages on the P90X Facebook. Today was no exception. I read through the statuses, looked at the pics and videos and get a bit of a fire lit under me.

First headed into Kenpo X. I was originally supposed to do this on Saturday, but my body decided I needed to rest, and rest a lot. And then Sunday was a little more of the same, plus a sense of lackidaisicalness. But fortunately, none of that was there today. I entered Kenpo X with a pretty good level of intensity and maintained it thoughout the entire session.
I have always said this is my favorite workout of the series. And not that I pretty much have about 90% of the moves down, I can totally focus on form and intensity. For the most part, I kept up with Tony & Co. from beginning to end. I did have to take a couple of mini-breaks throughout, but that was mostly because I was really going for it! So I reached the end soaked with sweat, and pondering if I should go with my plan and head straight into the next workout. I decided to go for it. So I skipped the cool-down portion of Kenpo X, got a bit of Recovery drink in me, and switched out the DVDs.

I figured I was more than beyond warmed-up from Kenpo, so I skipped past the warm-up section of Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and went right into the main workout part. Here are the numbers. "Granny" push-ups and the Red band are still being applied. Difference from previous workout is in red.
Slow Motion 3N1 Push-Ups: 12/10 bonus +1/+10
In & Out Shoulder Flys: 16 -2
Chair Dips: 29 +5
Plange Push-Ups: 21 +1
Pike Presses: 11 +1
Side Tri-Rises: 16 left/16 right +1/+1
Floor Flys: 24 0
Scarecrows: 13 +5
Overhead Tricep Extensions: 12 +2
Two-Twitch Speed Push-Ups: 20 +4
Y-Presses: 14 0
Tricep Extensions: 15 +1
Side-to-Side Push-Ups: 20 +4
Pour Flys: 15 +2
Side-Leaning Tricep Extensions: 12 left/12 right +1/+1
One-Arm Push-Ups: 14 +3
Weighted Circles: 20 forward/20 backward 0/0
Throw the Bomb: 10 left/10 right 0/0
Clap Push-Ups: 15 +3
Slo-Mo Throws: 13 +5
Front-to-Back Tricep Extensions: 20 0
One-Arm Balance Push-Ups 10 -2
Fly Row Presses: 12 +2
Dumbbell Cross-Body Blows: 35! +13
I wasn't sure how well this was gonna go after such a full-throttled Kenpo X, but I think I did a great job considering. Numbers were up for the most part and I was able to finish very strong! I could still stand to get lower on all pf the push-ups, but trust I did them to the best of my current abilities and did as many of each that I could muster. By the time I reached the Cross-Body Blows, I was quite thrilled with how things went and really brought it!

So was there anything left in me to get through Ab Ripper X? I was in the zone and was not about to stop now, so I let the DVD continue on and unrolled my mat. I have to admit I was pretty exhausted by this point because I had just gone through 2 hours of moving and sweating, so my hopes for a successful ARX were high, but not without a little questioning. There was no time to think about it, so I went right into it.
My trajectory with Ab Ripper X I think is continuing it's slow, but sure ascent. I managed 15 Wide Leg Sit-Ups, which I think is the most I've done in a session so far. On the Hip Rock N Raise, I am still doing them on every odd number, but today when it got the 19 count, I did one at every number for a total of 15. Another high! And managed to squeeze out 13 Roll-Up/V-Up Combos. Not bad after all the torture that cam before it.
I have to say I feel VERY good about what I achieved today. More than makes up for the weekend! I know I will be feeling this later, but that will only serve as a reminder of the work I put in!
So I think the obvious choice for today's song is "Manic Monday" by The Bangles. Hope you're having a great Monday!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Not Myself This Weekend
Wow. So this turned into a totally slackjob of a weekend. I completely slept thru ALL of Saturday. After being up and awake for a few hours I drifted back to sleep for a few more hours this morning. And in general just feeling kinda listless all day. I had Kenpo X on my mind, but just haven't found the gumption to follow thru. Just generally feeling blah. Not depressed, not sick. Just . . . blah . . . I have no explanation.
I am not gonna beat myself up about it. Sometimes, you just have a bad or two.
I may or may not get Kenpo X done before the night is over. If I don't, then I just may pull a double tomorrow, or just pick up where I would've anyway and go from there. I have come too far to give up and I don't intend to give up.
Thanx for "listening."
Friday, August 13, 2010
Sweaty Fun Friday!!
So after a very nice sleep, I woke up feeling pretty good. No creaks. No stiffness. Had a bowl of shredded wheat and got caught up with folx online. After perusing through the P90X Facebook page and reading people's statuses, I was inspired and ready to workout . . .

Day 40 - Legs & Back / Ab Ripper X
Wow! What a great workout today. Makes such a difference to go into it totally positive and ready! It also helps that my legs are pretty strong and this is one of those virtually modification-free workouts, so I can entirely focus on form and function and not choreography. So it was hard work as usual. And the minor modifications I did have to do were pretty much keeping a foot or toe on the floor when Tony says to raise it if you can. I attempted to raise on a few occasions, but still pretty much had to rely on keeping contact with the floor for balance and fatigue purposes.

I made some improvement in form and execution on several exercises. My Balance Lunge was far less wobbly than it's been before. Got a little bit lower on the Super Skaters. Better hold on the Wall Squats, although I could stand to get lower on them, overall much better though. Was actually able to raise my arms on the latter halves of the Step Back Lunges with the band! I got through most of the Single-Leg Wall Squat with using the wall for leverage. Got a much better hold and less strain on the Chair Salutations. MUCH better balance and execution on the Toe-Roll Iso Lunge, probably my best set yet of those! Stayed low on my Groucho Walk. And really brought it to the Sieber-Speed Squat, so much so that I actually completely burnt out on the last few and just couldn't do anymore! As far as the rest of the Leg work, it was all pretty much on or just above par with the last time.
On the Back work, I took Tony's advice and really concentrated on form and holding on with each rep. This resulted in lower numbers, but because of the added hold and form, it also resulted in really working my upper back. Difference from previous workout is in red.
Reverse Grip Chin-Ups: 16/16 -3/-3
Wide Front Pull-Ups: 20/18 -2/-2
Closed Grip Overhead Pull-Ups: 16/18 -11/-1
Switch Grip Pull-Ups: 20/28 +1/+2
So fewer numbers here, but much better work, so I am fine with it. Overall VERY pleased with this workout.
Onto Ab Ripper X. I hate it. But I sort of like it now. Today's ARX was very much on par with the much improved previous one. I struggled just a little but throughout but I attribute that with how much I brought it to Legs & Back. Still made a very good showing on the Ab work. No great strides since the last one so nothing to go into detail about, but it was another very strong effort. Very, very pleased and have a wonderful since of accomplishment!!
It's Friday night. And I still have to go in to work. But in the spirit of the day, here's Johnny Kemp with "Just Got Paid (Friday Night)." Have good night!! See you here tomorrow!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Change in Plans
So I opted to sleep first then do Yoga X. But I woke up a little later than I had planned. And I really just wasn't in the mindset for Yoga X. Maybe I'll do X Stretch? No. Oddly enough, I was more in the mood to do some real moving today, but I didn't want to head into Plyometrics again so soon. So I decided to try out the one workout I hadn't done yet.

Day 39 - Cardio X
So I figured this will be the perfect solution. It's relatively short. And it encompasses a little bit of Yoga, Kenpo, Plyo and Core. A lovely mixed bag of sweat! I Pressed Play and got things rolling with the Yoga section of the workout. Even though this only went for a short while, it convinced me that Yoga X wasn't gonna happen for me today. I get through the moves okay, but I was eager to move on to the more active parts of the workout.
Next came the Kenpo section. I have already stated that Kenpo X is my favorite workout at the moment, so I

was very happy to get some kicks in. I got so into it that I started to feel a little tired. No doubt due to the fact that I had an empty stomach that had been empty for quite awhile. I should've eaten a little something for some fuel, but I was already in the middle of the workout, so it was too late. I just kept plugging along. By the time I got to the Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut and the Three Direction Kicks, I had to take a bit of a breather.
I paused the DVD for a minute before heading into the Plyo section of the workout. I had to catch my breath and get another wind going. I regrouped and resumed the workout. So the bulk of this section was very familiar (Heisman, Swing Kick, Jump Shot, Tire) because they are in the Plyo workout. But then there was the Wacky Jacks, which look more fun than they actually are. It took me a second to get my coordination for this one, but once I did, it was fine. But by the time I got to the second round, my obliques weren't loving this one so much.
Finishing up with the Core section of the workout, I was cursing the countdown clock because it wasn't ticking away fast enough. I was, at this point, starting to feel like I might puke. But I was too close to the end to stop so I went with it and kept up my intensity level as best I could. Why are there Dreya Rolls here? WHY? I can't do those yet, so I opted to do a series of low Squats leading up to a Y-Pose in lieu. Completed the workout with a hard fought for Superman/Banana. Y'know something called Superman/Banana should be way more fun that it actually is. Am I wrong about that?
Anyhoo, this provided just what I needed today. I good, short, sweaty, workout to get the juices flowing. Makes me feel less guilty for blowing off Yoga X. I may do it Sunday instead of resting or X Stretch. We'll see how I feel then.
Your song for today is "(Keep Feeling) Fascination" by the Human League, because they sing about plans changing and truths re-arranging and moving on and such which sort of applies to today. Anyway, enjoy!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
That's More Like It!
I was bound and determined to bounce back from yesterday's so-so Plyo. And I think I acheived that!!
Day 38 - Back & Biceps / Ab Ripper X
Felt a LOT better today going into the workout! From the very start I felt the familiar vim and vigor that had become the norm when approaching my workouts. I am truly grateful for it. So let's take a look at the numbers. Difference from previous workout, as usual, is in red.
Wide Front Pull-Ups: 25 +4
Lawnmowers: 17 left, 17 right +1, +1
Twenty-Ones: 21 0
One-Arm Cross-Body Curls: 13 -1
Switch Grip Pull-Ups: 20 0
Elbows-Out Lawnmowers: 13 left, 13 right 0, 0
Standing Bicep Curls: 15 0
One-Arm Concentration Curls: 15 left, 16 right: 0, +1
Corn Cob Pull-Ups: 10 0
Reverse Grip bent Over Rows: 15 0
Open Arm Curls: 17 +2
Static Arm Curls: 24 +4
Towel Pull-Ups: 15 0
Congdon Locomotives: 40 +5
Crouching ohen Curls: 18 +1
One-Arm Corkscrew Curls: 16 +1
Chin-Ups: 21 +1
Bent Over back Flys: 18 +2
Curl-Up/Hammer Downs: 20 0
Hammer Curls: 12 -1
Max Rep Pull-Ups (Wide-Grip): 24 -1
In-Out Hammer Curls 12 0
Strip-Set Curls: 27 +6
So I really made a concerted effort to focus on form today. And also adjusting the Red bands for more tension on most of the exercises. That's most likely the reason the numbers are so closely comparable to the last Back & Biceps workout. Not a lot of plusses, and quite a few break evens. And knowing how much effort I put into it, I am actually fine with that. I can honestly say that I was putting in the work and getting the form right because my biceps were burning quite a bit during the workout. Moreso than I remember them doing before. Very happy with that. Also very happy with my Supermans. Those are really tough coming so close to the end of the workout, especially after all that came before it. But I felt like I got a better raise on the legs and the upper body (moreso on the legs), and held on strong for each duration. Overall quite pleased with the workout.
Now, I must be getting a little closer to loving Ab Ripper X because I find myself actually looking forward to it. (Did I just say that???) I think it's because I am seeing my ability to complete it increase more and more with each session, and that just makes me want to do better. I will note that today's was pretty much on par with the previous one. And that's a good thing! Still happy with the progress I have made specifically with the Wide Leg Sit-Ups, Hip Rock N Raise and the Roll-Up/V-up Combo. I actually did the that one a little better today and managed to squeeze out 13, four more than before. A few of the other exercises still also have much room for improvement, but me and ARX are getting ever so much closer to becoming friends!!
So because I felt strong enough to complete a great workout this evening, here is Cher with "Stong Enough." Have a great night. Yoga X is on tab for tomorrow!
Ugh . . .
So yesterday was just hard. I felt really sluggish during most of the workout. I guess I could attribute it to the fact that I felt a little queasy the night before and paid several visits to the porcelain throne. That's the only thing I can pinpoint that was different. So it was with 3/4 heart that I endured . . .

Day 37 - Plyometrics
So early on, I was just not completely into it. I felt a bit tired and once things got started, my legs started feeling quite pasta-like pretty quickly. I ended up coming out of pretty much all of the Squat exercises earlier than normal. The Heismans, Swing Kick and Circle Run were pretty much adequate. About the same amount of work was put n for both rounds of the first section.

Second set of exercises were pretty much on par with the first. My Jump Knee Tuck, which had been coming along, was totally not there last night. I managed a reasonable hop, but was not getting the height or the knee bend. Kinda slogged my way through the Mary Katherines and the Leap Frog Squat. Twist Combo, again, adequate.
So, at the halfway point of the workout, I tried my best to regroup, because i came really close to just Pressing Stop and letting it go. But I made myself continue. I just said the first half was a wash and now I needed to find some gusto from somewhere and Bring It t the second half. So with that, things pickup a little going into the next set.
So, I managed to actually get a few Rock Star Hops off the ground. Not as many as before, but I was determined to do SOMETHING. The Gap Jumps went okay. The first set of Squat Jacks were also jest okay, but I got through near 7/8 of a full set on the second go 'round. Military Marches were fine. Could've gotten better extension on the arms and the legs, but I was feeling better about things in general at this point.
So the last set before the Bonus Round was here and I was determined to finish if not strong, at least stronger than i started. So I got a just above adequate first set of the final four (Run Squat 180 Jump Switch to the [modified] Hot Foot), but on the second set, I felt a little fire go off in me and really brought more intensity. So much so that instead of skipping the Bonus Round like I originally planned, I kept going and got through to the end on a good note.
So yeah, it was rough, and started out quite shaky and weak, but I managed to make it though to the end. I am about to get ready to hit Back & Biceps. Feeling better today and I hope that is reflected in the workout.
So the song for yesterday's hard fought workout is Steve Brookstein's version of "Against All Odds." See you back here in a bit.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Paying for the Weekend
So even though I technically didn't miss any workouts over the weekend, I had a little too much fun hanging with friends and consuming some things that I hadn't in almost 2 months. I woke up this morning feeling kinda blah. I put off working out as long as I could until my conscience told me to do the right thing and Press Play today. As usual, I am glad I did.

Day 36 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps / Ab Ripper X
Went into this one not totally committed, and

practically dragging and kicking. I new it needed to be done, so it was time to stop whining and start working! Even though it started off kinda weak, my energy and intensity picked up somewhat as it went
along. Here are the numbers. Difference in red.
Slow Motion 3-in-1 Push-Ups: 11, 0 bonus -1, -5
In & Out Shoulder Flys: 18 +1
Chair Dips: 24 +3
Plange Push-Ups: 20 +2
Pike Press: 10 +1
Side Tri-Rises: 15 left/15 right -1/0
Floor Flys: 24 0
Scarecrows: 8 0
Overhead Tricep Extensions: 10 -1
Two-Twitch Speed Push-Ups: 12 fast/7 slow 0/+1
Y-Presses: 14 +2
Triceps Extensions: 14 -1
Push-Ups: 16 +6
Pour Flys: 13 +1
Side-Leaning Tricep Extensions: 11 left/11 right +1/-1
One-Arm Push-Ups 11 +1
Weighted Circles: 20 forward/20 backwards 0/+2
Throw the Bomb: 10/10 -1/-1
Clap Push-Ups: 12 +2
Slo-Mo-Throws: 8 -2
Front-to-Back Tricep Extensions: 20 0
One-Arm Balance Push-Ups: 12 +2
Fly-Row Presses: 10 +4
Dumbell Cross-Body Blows: 22 -2
So you can see, it was pretty much a mixed bag of progress here. Up on some, broke even on others, and a few less on still others. Not a huge surprise considering how I was feeling today. But I must say, better than I expected I would do. I am still on my knees for the push-ups and still using the Red band. And everything is still very challenging with those things in consideration. My goal is to definitely come in with more gusto next week and have more plusses in the column!

So in my mind I was wondering how Ab Ripper X was gonna treat me today in light of my demeanor. Actually, it wasn't bad at all. I would say it was on par with Friday's. I actually managed to keep a better count on the exercises today now that my form is getting better. So I know we do 25 of everything except for the Leg Climb and Mason Twists. I completed 25 of each of the In & Outs, Bicycles (forward AND backward), and Crunchy Frogs. Now on the Wide Leg Sit-Up, even though the form is better, I cannot do them as fast, so I completed 12 out of 25. Then 25 Fifer Scissors (still with foot on floor for half the time), then 13 Hip Rick N Raises.
Second half of ARX: 25 Pulse Ups (with legs being held up with hands), 9 Roll-Up/V-Up Combos (really happy with that, still manged to keep a close form on it), 25 Oblique V-Ups on both sides (legs still slightly apart, but getting better), 12 Leg Climbs on both sides and 50 Mason Twists (with feet still on the floor).
So even with the sloggy start at the beginning, I at least finished strong with another great ARX session. So I am feeling much better to have made it through! Week 6 is off and running!!
On that note, here's JoDee Messina's version of Barry Manilow's "I Made it Through The Rain." Have a great week!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Off the Fence
I don't know why I just don't go with what I know. I always feel so much better coming out of a workout. Especially on those days when I am feeling kinda blah and just not in the mood. Today was no exception. After some hemming and more hawwing I decided to go ahead and Press Play today!

Day 35 - Kenpo X
So with yesterday being a de facto Rest Day (even though a long hike and a few Rugby drills were incorporated), my scheduled Kenpo X was put off. So I made up for it today. Very glad I did! I went into it with a a slightly stiff back and knees. No pain, just mild discomfort. I think from being up and about and on my feet a lot (not to mention a little unauthorized indulging) in the sun.
No major surprises with Kenpo X. Again it's my favorite workout because modification isn't really necessary for me, just intensity. And once the ball got rolling, the necessary intensity came from somewhere and I was kicking and punching like a sweaty madman in no time. I have so much fun with Kenpo that the hour just flies by and it seems to be over before I know it. And I am covered with sweat by the end. It helps that I have the moves pretty much down enough where I don't have to think about it and can focus and bringing the intensity and following through at my very best.
So I am glad I hopped off the fence and joined Tony and Friends for Kenpo Today. This closes out week 5 for me!! And we are a quarter of the way in to Phase II!
I think I will let the legendary James Brown speak for me today with "I Feel Good." Make it a Sunday Funday!!
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