Day 43 - Kenpo X / Chest, Shoulders & Triceps / Ab Ripper X
Well this was gonna turn out either really great, or really meh. Thankfully it leaned toward the former and not the latter. I never fail to get inspiration from reading the messages on the P90X Facebook. Today was no exception. I read through the statuses, looked at the pics and videos and get a bit of a fire lit under me.

First headed into Kenpo X. I was originally supposed to do this on Saturday, but my body decided I needed to rest, and rest a lot. And then Sunday was a little more of the same, plus a sense of lackidaisicalness. But fortunately, none of that was there today. I entered Kenpo X with a pretty good level of intensity and maintained it thoughout the entire session.
I have always said this is my favorite workout of the series. And not that I pretty much have about 90% of the moves down, I can totally focus on form and intensity. For the most part, I kept up with Tony & Co. from beginning to end. I did have to take a couple of mini-breaks throughout, but that was mostly because I was really going for it! So I reached the end soaked with sweat, and pondering if I should go with my plan and head straight into the next workout. I decided to go for it. So I skipped the cool-down portion of Kenpo X, got a bit of Recovery drink in me, and switched out the DVDs.

I figured I was more than beyond warmed-up from Kenpo, so I skipped past the warm-up section of Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and went right into the main workout part. Here are the numbers. "Granny" push-ups and the Red band are still being applied. Difference from previous workout is in red.
Slow Motion 3N1 Push-Ups: 12/10 bonus +1/+10
In & Out Shoulder Flys: 16 -2
Chair Dips: 29 +5
Plange Push-Ups: 21 +1
Pike Presses: 11 +1
Side Tri-Rises: 16 left/16 right +1/+1
Floor Flys: 24 0
Scarecrows: 13 +5
Overhead Tricep Extensions: 12 +2
Two-Twitch Speed Push-Ups: 20 +4
Y-Presses: 14 0
Tricep Extensions: 15 +1
Side-to-Side Push-Ups: 20 +4
Pour Flys: 15 +2
Side-Leaning Tricep Extensions: 12 left/12 right +1/+1
One-Arm Push-Ups: 14 +3
Weighted Circles: 20 forward/20 backward 0/0
Throw the Bomb: 10 left/10 right 0/0
Clap Push-Ups: 15 +3
Slo-Mo Throws: 13 +5
Front-to-Back Tricep Extensions: 20 0
One-Arm Balance Push-Ups 10 -2
Fly Row Presses: 12 +2
Dumbbell Cross-Body Blows: 35! +13
I wasn't sure how well this was gonna go after such a full-throttled Kenpo X, but I think I did a great job considering. Numbers were up for the most part and I was able to finish very strong! I could still stand to get lower on all pf the push-ups, but trust I did them to the best of my current abilities and did as many of each that I could muster. By the time I reached the Cross-Body Blows, I was quite thrilled with how things went and really brought it!

So was there anything left in me to get through Ab Ripper X? I was in the zone and was not about to stop now, so I let the DVD continue on and unrolled my mat. I have to admit I was pretty exhausted by this point because I had just gone through 2 hours of moving and sweating, so my hopes for a successful ARX were high, but not without a little questioning. There was no time to think about it, so I went right into it.
My trajectory with Ab Ripper X I think is continuing it's slow, but sure ascent. I managed 15 Wide Leg Sit-Ups, which I think is the most I've done in a session so far. On the Hip Rock N Raise, I am still doing them on every odd number, but today when it got the 19 count, I did one at every number for a total of 15. Another high! And managed to squeeze out 13 Roll-Up/V-Up Combos. Not bad after all the torture that cam before it.
I have to say I feel VERY good about what I achieved today. More than makes up for the weekend! I know I will be feeling this later, but that will only serve as a reminder of the work I put in!
So I think the obvious choice for today's song is "Manic Monday" by The Bangles. Hope you're having a great Monday!
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