Day 31 - Back & Biceps / Ab Ripper X
So much like Monday's Chest, Shoulders & Triceps workout, today I encountered a few more new exercises. Which meant more learning as I went along which slightly hendered my intensity. But I think it's important to things right, so I am willing to sacrifice some gusto while getting it down and then totally Bringing It the next time. Here are the numbers for today. Red Band used throughout.
Wide Front Pull-Ups: 21
Lawnmowers: 16 left, 16 right
Twenty-Ones: 21
One-Arm Cro
ss-Body Curls: 14
Switch Grip Pull-Ups: 20
Elbows-Out Lawnmowers: 13 left, 13 right
Standing Bicep Curls: 15
One-Arm Concentration Curls: 15 left, 15 right
Corn Cob Pull-Ups: 10
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows: 15
Open Arm Curls: 15
Static Arm Curls: 20
Towel Pull-Ups: 15
Congdon Locomotives: 35
Crouching Cohen Curls: 17
One-Arm Corkscrew Curls: 15
Chin-Ups: 20
Bent-Over Back Flys: 16
Curl-Up/Hammer Downs: 20
Hammer Curls: 13
Max Rep Pull-Ups (Wide Grip): 25
In-Out Hammer Curls: 12
Strip-Set Curls: 21
So, yes I retained using the Red band since most of these were new to me and I wanted to make sure i had the best form and not have to be concerned about the resistance. It was still quite a workout. On all of the Pull-Up and Chin Up exercises, sat about a half foot further back than I normally do with the bands, so there was quite a bit of tension to work with. I could definitely feel those sets in my upper back and a little into my shoulders. Same with the the Lawnmowers and Elbows Out Lawnmowers. Stepped a little closer to the handle to get more tension.
Had to play with band positioning on most of the Curl Exercises to get just the right amount of tension for maximum resistance. I think I found a good starting place with pretty much all of them because I was definitely feeling some burn in my biceps thought the workout. I wasn't so sure about the

bands before I stared P90X, but I tell you when you use them right, they get the job done.
The only none weight/band exercise in this session was the Superman. And if you've done Core Syn, you're familiar with it. It's all Superman, no Banana. Done in four 10-second intervals. I made it through each one, so my challenge here will be to get my legs and chest higher off the floor.
Curls are pretty universal and there wasn't any real modification necessary for them, so I don't need to go into anymore detail about the workout. My goal is to fully focus on the moves next time and get the numbers up and adjust the band tension for more resistance.
Now, today's Ab Ripper X? The BEST EVER so far!!! I don't know where it came from, but I was really bringing the focus and intensity to ABX. For the first time I made it completely through both Bicycles without stopping short! Also, instead of doing the Crunchy Frog with alternating legs like before, I pulled and extended both legs together. I still had to touch the floor on the extension, but I was really happy that I got both legs going together. I think I was getting even higher on the Wide Leg Sit-Up - it's almost an actual sit-up! Almost, but closer than before. Still can't keep my lower leg off the floor for the Fifer Scissors, but holding them up a wee bit longer now.
I found a way to successfully get though the Hip Rock N Raise. I only did them on the odd numbers. So yes, I only did half of them, but I did them with better form and did not stop early. I am still holding up my legs during the Pulse-Up, but I got a better pulse going and I did 21 out of 25 without stopping. And I think I am getting closer to getting a better Roll-Up/V-Up. First, I was actually able to sit-up for the first part of each rep. I focused on form again here and them much slower than Tony and the Gang, but the few that I did were the best ones yet and the closest to proper form. The Oblique V-Ups were on fire! Got my legs a little closer, but more importantly, I actually managed to keep up with Tony until the very last few seconds and my body just said "enough already!" on that one.
Finished up with a much better Leg Climb. I got my upper body up a smidge higher today! And the final Mason Twists, I attempted to raise my feet off the floor but it just wasn't happening, so on the floor they remained and I went twist to twist with Tony including the extras at the end. I was quite jazzed about Ab Ripper X today! I think I just got one step closer to really, REALLY liking it. Not gonna use the other L word just yet on that one.
A tiny note
Just like on Monday, there was quite a bit of backtracking the DVD to see the proper positioning with the band because they don't show it until each exercise is well underway. Not nearly as much backtracking as last time, but still enough to be annoying.
Very pleased with myself today!!! Actually quite Happy. Here's "Oh Happy Day" from Sister Act 2.
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