Day 30 - Plyometrics
The funny thing about Plyo: I really do love it. I just don't like it so much while I am doing. Or more specifically my legs don't like ME very much when I am doing

Despite the legs bitching at me, today's Plyo was one of my best efforts! I saw some improvement on some parts that were a little troublesome before. Instead of going in to my normal detail, I will just highlight the places that went up a notch today.
I had a much more controlled Circle Run. before, if i wasn't careful, i came close to tripping over my feet a few times, but today I focus on the form and instead of the speed and felt mush more comfortable and in control. On the Jump Knee Tuck, I actually got a little hight and a slight bend on the knees. That one is slowly coming along. Foot landing synch was a little better on the Leapfrog Squat. There was still a hint of a step instead of a leap, but it was much better.
I got a little more height on the Rock Star Jumps as well. And my Pete Townshend is looking a little more Pete Townshendy! I kinda sloshed through the first set of Squat Jacks, but I had to redeem myself on the second set, and today was the closest I came to complete a whole set from start (Jumping jacks) to finish. I am still modifying the Hot Foot with a series of sort of Double Hops on each foot. I kept up the motion for about 7/8 of each set before tuckering out.
Overall, I am very happy with today's Plyo session. And by the 4th quarter, my legs were actually feeling much better and I made it through, including the Bonus Round. My reward? A soaking wet tank top and a face dripping with sweat. As it should be!
Today's song, Talking Heads' "Burning Down the House." Please to enjoy and have a great day!
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