Sorry for the delay, but the day got away from on Friday, and I was out ans about all day yesterday. So now I am finally getting around to reporting on Friday evening's workout. Let's step into the time machine and go back and revisit . . .
Day 33 - Legs & Back / Ab Ripper X
So on this day, I decided to sleep before working out, which is the opposite of what I had been doing. It seems that before I would be too wired after working out to got to bed, so I was starting to not get enough sleep and really dragging through my overnight work shift. I think it made a difference by switching things up because after sleeping for a decent amount of time first, I was quite refreshed before heading into the the workout.
Reviewing the leg exercises first (pretty much just highlighting the better parts, since most was on par with the previous session). I think this session I came the closest to matching up with Tony & Co. move for move and count for count. I did not add any weights for intensity. But my focus here was to match up as close as possible through the workout. the Balance Lunge is still just a little awkward position-wise for me. But once I settled my balance, I really got things going with them, thought with a slight wobble towards the end. Got a good set of Super Skaters in. Tried to do a few without the toe tap, but had to stat tapping again after a couple of times.

I dreaded the Wall Squat a little less, now that I realize the secret to getting stronger with them is to not start off too low. So I do these a bit above the 90 degree angle that Tony says to do and them dip down to just above 90 for the lower portion. In time I will get lower, but trust that I was really feeling my quads burning on this. Step-Back Lunges were also a success. I tried to lift the bands overhead to add intensity and it was a little too much for me, so I continued with the lowered arm position.
Single Leg Wall Squat went a little better for the same reason as the regular version. I remained at a higher than 90 degree position. My raised leg was at 45 instead of 90, but I kept it off the floor. Still using the wall and door knob for support, but relied on it a little less than last time. Also still relying on on my rear foot touching the floor on the Deadlift Squat. Doing it completely on one leg is still too much of a challenge at this point.
The Chair Salutations are definitely getting stronger and stronger for me. I am able to hold the position now without succumbing to fatigue in my back, so my next goal is to sit lower and get my arms higher. Toe-Roll Iso Lunge for some reason is still tricky for me because I end up focusing on the forward lean and not on rolling the foot and toe which is more of the point of the exercise. I had to constantly remind my self to roll the foot, roll the foot.
Much better Groucho Walk. I maintained the lowered stance even though by this point my legs were really on fire from all that came before. The inward toe position on the Calf Raises are much stronger and less awkward, but still challenging. Keeping my feet from straightening out is getting easier to do here. Performed my strongest set of Seibers-Speed Squats yet. I was working so hard on these That I actually had to stop a little short because my legs were practically spaghetti by this point.
Now to the back section of the workouts with the pull-ups and chin-ups. I am still wussing it with the red band here, but like before moving back for more tension. The numbers here are pretty much on par with before. Difference in red.
Reverse Grip Chin-Ups: 19/19 +2/-1
Wide Front Pull-Ups: 22/20 0/0
Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Ups: 27/19 +10/-1
Switch Grip Pull-Ups: 19/26 0/+1
I noticed my numbers were pretty much even, so when I got to the first set of Closed Grips, I attacked it with a little more intensity and speed and get a better number, but I think I sacrificed some form on the latter half of that set, so I dialed it back for the next one and re-assigned my focus on form and that is reflected by the number there.
Okay, I am truly excited to talk about this session of Ab Ripper X! Who'da thunk it?? this one had a few surprises. In& Outs and Bicycles still better and stronger. But when i got to the Wode Leg sit-up, a small miracle happened. I actually got my back all the way up of the floor! And then i did it again, and then again! Now I didn't do a full 25 sets of these because it took my a a second or two to get u0pright, but i did it and got about 1o done. Iwas really happy with that.
Holding the lowered leg off the floor on the Fifer Scissoris still a real challenge, Butit's gettin better, slowly but surely. I went with the odd numbered Hip Rock & Raise again with slow but better form. Pulse-Ups were better, too, even though I am still holding my legs up with my hands. I did tryit with holding them for a few reps but had to go back because I couldn't keep the legs up freely.
Now the next surprise came with the Rol-Up/V-up Combo. I felt so confident after the Wide-Legs, I thought surely I'll be able to finally get closer to form on this one. It was awesome! I got my back all the way up, came back down and raised the legs and did an almost jackknife with the pulse up part. This was the closet ever I've gotten to doing this properly. I wasn't counting, but concentrating and I think I completed about 6. But the fact that I did it and it actually resembles the real thing for the first time was such a great accomplishment!
Getting my legs closer together n the Oblique V-Up, and got a little more height with the back on the Leg Climb. Finished strong with the Mason Twist. Attempted to raise the legs up, but still had to put them back down to finish up strong. No question, my best ARX yet!!!
It feel so good to come out of these workouts feeling so accomplished. especially when you've done them better and stronger than before. I look forward to the day when I can do everything with modifying or settling and with each passing workout, I can see that day coming!
Here's your song. Michael Buble's version of "Feeling Good" . . . because I am! Enjoy and happy Sunday!