Thursday, February 10, 2011

Go Go Yoga!

Was really exhausted after work today and not getting enough sleep prior. So I hit the sack as soon as I got in and then pulled out the mat and blocks this evening.

Day 39: Yoga X
Wow! I dare say this was probably my best session of Yoga X yet. It's really good to see improvement in my abilities on this workout, as I do find it to be the most challenging of all. The Moving Asanas were a bit stronger today. Still shaky in places, but noticeably better. This was especially evident in the Warrior 3 to Standing Splits and Half Moon to Twisting Moon. I am still nowhere near getting the full balance and extension of Tony & Friends, but I was quite astonished at how much closer I got today.

The balance Postures were a little better. I ma still for some reason having balance issues on my right leg. But there was a little improvement there and I fell out of Tree and my versions of Royal Dancer and the Standing Leg Extensions less than I have before.

Floor work was pretty much on par (sans Crane and Shoulder Stand/Plough). I did manage to widen the stretch on Frog a bit and Cobbler Pose form was better as was the Hamstring Stretches.

Yoga Belly 7 felt a bit stronger as well. Still not a fan of the Boat series, but I held onto them as long as I could without giving in. And of course after that killer second round of Touch the Sky every thing leading up to the end was a breeze.

I know this is the most polarizing of all of the workouts, but I am liking it more and more. Especially when I can see improvements happening. I think I get the best sense of accomplishment out of finishing Yoga X than an of the other workouts.

Here's a fun ditty from Solange, "Sandcastle Disco." Please to enjoy! have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you're doing so well and improving each week! I love coming to your blog for positive inspiration! Have a great weekend!
