Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Monday!

After a fun-filled weekend, that did include a bit of indulging in some foods and drink I haven't had in awhile, it's time to come back to reality for Week 2 of Phase 2. On the plus side, I drank plenty of water while I was out and about and didn't really overdo the bad eating. I did have healthy stuff in there as well, so it wasn't a total wash. But today, it was time to get back on track and Bring it!

Day 36: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and Ab Ripper X
So after the full day I had yesterday, I was fully expecting this to be a lackluster workout. But it was quite the contrary. It was a little tough at the start and I had to really focus and put some extra effort into it, but it paid off in an uptick on rep numbers throughout. I was up at least 1-3 on everything except Slow Motion Push-Ups, Pour Flys, and Side Leaning Tri-Extensions, which all held steady. I was actually down 2 on the Y-Presses but coming off of the 2-Twitch Speed Push-Ups which were up, I felt lucky to get 14 in. So this effort sort of proved to me that I am getting stronger and that I really didn't wreck myself too badly between Sushi Saturday and Super Sunday.

Ab Ripper X was also strong and on par with the previous one. Pretty much all numbers were the same, but every thing felt better. Hip Rock N Raises were much stronger as were the Roll-Up/V-Up Combos (still only up to 11, but a good effort). Another good one in the books! Plyo returns tomorrow. Woo!

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