Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bring It? Brought it! Got the book signed . . .

So I made the executive decision to forego doing Cardio X this morning and went right to bed after getting home from work. But I more than made up for it by attending Tony Horton's Book Signing event tonight. Got the chance to workout with him for an hour. We did the Warrior Cardio workout which was comprised of elements from Kenpo, Plyometrics, Upper body, Core and Yoga. Pretty much a goo-melting stew of exercises!

Wow! Got my butt handed over to me, but I enjoyed every minute of it! Tony is just as funny, goofy and engaging in person as he is on the DVDs. I got my copy of "Bring It!" signed and got a picture taken with him, which I will share later when I finally make it home.

I am now at work, which will be followed by a staff meeting before I finally head home. It's gonna be a long night, but a very memorable one. My goal is to look like a totally different person the next I get the opportunity to see Mr. Horton face-to-face.

'Night all! :^D

1 comment:

  1. how cool is that?! i'd call that a good reason to skip cardio x. :-)
