Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Armed and Dangerous

Got a bit of a late start heading into the workout today. I am thankful that this one comes after Plyometrics because my legs were still a bit tender from that workout. I think that's why I lounged around a bit before getting off my butt to tackle . . .

Day 17 - Shoulders & Arms / Ab Ripper X
I am liking this workout more and more. Things started off a little slow, but I got myself in gear and charged ahead and brought it! Let's crack some numbers here. If you've been following along, you know the drill . . .

Alternating Shoulder Presses: 12/15 -2/+1
In & Out Bicep Curls: 19/23 +3/+4
Two-Arm Tricep Kickbacks: 15/15 +3/+3
Deep Swimmer's Presses: 14/15 -2/+1
Full Supination Concentration Curls: 14/12 +3/0
Chair Dips: 29/27 +4/+2
Upright Rows: 18/17 +2/+1
Static Arm Curls: 24/24 0/0
Flip-Grip Twist Tricep Kickbacks: 18/14 +2/-2
Two-Angle Shoulder Flys: 17/22 +1/+2
Crouching Cohen Curls: 25/22 +4/+2
Tricep Extensions: 18/14 +4/+3

Bonus Round:
In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Flys: 18/19 0/+1
Congdon Curls: 20/22 +4/+3
Side Tri-Raises: 21 right, 22 left/24 right, 25 left +1,+2/+5,+4

Really happy to see more plusses again! Especially proud of the Chair Dips, Crouching Cohen Curls, Congdon Curls and the Side Tri-Rises. Those numbers were fought hard for! Even though I am still Red banding it, I really concentrated on form, hold duration and extension. I opted not to loop the band on the Tricep Kickback in order to complete the extension which I was unable to do with a loop. Same with the Two-Angle Shoulder Flys. That made such a big difference. I was able to get my arms noticably higher than before on the Upright Rows and the Staight Arm Shoulder Flys. Very happy with that.

Ab Ripper X found me with some more improvement. I may grow to at least start liking it soon! Loving is still way off at this point. A slight improvement on the Bicycles and my modified Crunchy Frog. I got through the Fifer Scissors without breaking for the first time, still modified, but completed the set uninterupted! Hip Rock N Raise and Pulse Ups were on par with Monday. I made another slight modification with my already modified Roll-Up/V-Up Combo. I slightly delayed raising my legs, so that I was a little closer in form to what Tony and friends were doing. Still nowhere near close to it, but a little closer. Managed to keep my legs a little closer together on the Oblique V-Ups and finished the sets without breaking. Another good accomplishment!

Some notes:
First of all, I know I really brought it because my armsspecfcally my biceps, are still burning just a bit as I type this. When I was stirring my recovery drink, I noticed my arms were trembling a little. So I did some work today, folx!! And I feel like me and ARX are slowly, but surely becoming friends. Still a long row to hoe on that one, but I can feel a positive difference in that workout. This was a good day at the "gym"!!

Today's song is by one of my favorite singers: Rick Astley. YES, Rick Astley! "Hold Me In Your Arms." Hope all is well in your world!


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