Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fit (!) Test

. . . . Or as it should REALLY be called: The "You-Know-You're-Out-Of-Shape-But-Let's-See-Just-How-Out-Of-Shape-You-REALLY-Are" Test. It proved to be a real mixed bag and I surprisingly did well on some of the tests, but not so good on others. So let's run over the numbers, shall we?

The "Before" Body Measurements:
Body Fat %: Appx. 42% (I was unable to find my calipers which I haven't used for over a year. I didn't want to use that as an excuse to put this off any further, so until I find them or get another set, this is a liberal guess based on that last measurement.)
Weight: 307 (my last weigh-in about a week and a half ago. I have no reason to think that it's much more or less than that. It's a good [bad] number to start with.
Chest: 51"
Waist: 54"
Hips: 53"
Right Thigh: 25"
Left Thigh: 25"
Right Arm 14.5"
Left Arm: 15"

And just for more perspective, I am 6' tall, and 43 Years old.

And now on to The Fit (YKYOOSBLSJHOOSYRA) Test:
Heart Rate: 80/min
Pull-Ups: (We'll get back to this later)
Vertical Leap: 9"
Push Ups: 24 (Granny-style)
Toe Touch: 4" (Fingertips to toes distance)
Wall Squat: 1 minute, 11 seconds
Bicep Curl: 23 (with Red 35# band)
In & Outs: 24
Heart Rate Maximizer (After 1:45 minutes of Jumping Jacks):
After 158/min
1 min. after: 120/m
2 min. after: 114/m
3 min. after: 108/m
4 min. after: 106/m

So as you see, according to the way the test is laid out in the book, I am a real mixed bag going into this challenge.

So here's a few notes:
Concerning the Pull-ups. I attempted to do these using the bands. But even with the black 100# band, it didn't feel like a real challenge. So after I did everything else, I went outside to the monkey bars on the kids playground. Just as I suspected, I could not do a single true unassisted pull-up. Not a surprise to me. I've read about others who were in far better shape than me who couldn't do one before P90X so I am not discouraged.

On the Jumping Jacks for the Heart Rate Maximizer portion of the test, I was only able to go 1 minute and 45 seconds before quitting. Just 15 seconds shy of the 2 minutes you're supposed to be able to go. But I really gave it my all and I think that counts for something.

Now, to the positives!! I started off attempting the Push-Ups the normal way, but quickly had to drop my kness down. But it was still a struggle and I surprised myself by getting 24 done! I ususally give up at around 15.

A 9 inch vertical leap was more than I was expecting, but my legs are reasonably strong from having to carry this weight for so long.

On the Toe-Touch I could only manage to get 4 inches toward my toes. Closer than I expected, which was more like 6 to 8 inches.

The Wall Squat was not fun AT ALL!! But I passed the 1 minute mark and felt really good about that.

Using the red 35# bands, I managed to get 23 bicep curls completed. That 24th one was all shaky and ugly so I didn't want to count that one. Still 23 is a good number.

In & Outs Surprised me the most I think. They were really hard to do, but I somehow squeezed out 24 of them. Just 1 shy of the 25 suggested by the book. I am quite proud of that one because I didn't think I would be able to do 5 of them before giving up, so 24 is quite an accomplishment.

So that's where we stand. I still need to take my before pics before I start on Monday. Hopefully will get that done tonight. Almost there!!!


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