Day 23 - Core Synergistics
Uhm, wow . . . This workout certainly kicked me in the butt (as well as a few parts I didn't know I had) today. It's a good thing I sort of mentally prepared myself by reviewing the workout in the book last night at work. I can truly say I was not prepared enough. There's nothing more humbling
after just starting to master a few of the workouts, then get sideswiped by a monster like Core Synergistics.
So let's relive the sweet memories . . .
So the butt kicking begins right off the bat with Stacked Foot/Staggered Hands Push Ups. So I attempted this in the normal position, but the knees volunteered their services and I took them up on it. It was a little awkward, but I got some sort of rhythm going with it about 3/4 of the way through. The Banana Roll was actually easier then I anticipated. I did okay here, although my upper body and legs got closer and closer to the floor as the sets went on. The Leaning Crescent Lunges are similar in motion to the Sneaky Lunges, so I had no real issue with them. I don't have any free weights at the moment, so next time I may use some cans from the cupboard for a little weight.
The Squat Run was kinda fun, my shoulders didn't enjoy it when I sped up, however. I hit the knees once more for the Sphinx Push-Up and pulled my elbows back for more of a challenge. I still have issues with the Bow in that I can't make the connection with my hands and feet, so I lifted my legs and chest as far off the floor as I could, and rolled into a very sloppy, shaky Boat. I couldn't raise the extended legs on the Low Lateral Skates, so I just went side to side, it still was challenging, especially trying to keep my feet in position. The Lunge & Reach started off kinda messy because I was trying to raise BOTH handles on the upreach and not getting very far, so I looked at Blam! again and realized she was only raising one handle with both hands, so that made a big difference. Thank Jeebus for that first break. I was ready for it.
Next there was the Prison cell Push-Ups. Are . . . you . . . kidding . . . me? Oh, well. I gave it a try and did 4 very slow and shaky reps on this one. That one's gonna take some time to get ahold of. I modified the Side Hip Raise by keeping the lower half of each leg on the floor and followed through the rest of the motion as demonstrated. The Squat X-Press was hard for me to do with the band so I put it aside and continued the set without resistance and concentrated on the squat part.
More real torture came in the form of the Plank to Chaturanga Run. I just barely knocked about maybe 5 or 6 sets with both legs, then I had to stop. I was glad I was able to do that much. The Walking Push-Up was also a difficult challenge. I did attempt it and got a few very trembly sets done, then had to stop about a 1/4 way through. Superman Banana was a welcome respite because It was much easier for me to do - for about 3/4 of the set until Tony started speeding up the cadence. THAT was NOT cool!!!!!
I did the Lunge Kickback Curl Press without weights, but I needed to get the motion down with this one, so not having weights was actually a help here. This was followed by a very slow but steady set of Towel Hoppers with a slight pause between each hop. And then a much appreciated Ballistic Stretch break.
I was on the knees and kept the lower half of the legs down on the Reach High & Under Push-Ups and did about 6. The Steam Engine went fairly well. I could stand to get my knees a bit higher, but at this point in the workout, I was happy with the effort. Dreya Rolls.. Hmm, yeah. That's right up there with the Crane. I did, at least, attempt it. It was nothing close to pretty. It was actually quite hideous. That needs some time and work.
Well I made it this far, and was still mostly alive. So why not go into the Bonus Round? yay . . . . Plank to Chaturanga was reasonably smooth. Unfortunately I can't keep my belly off the floor on the Chaturanga, but I did raise my knees up. Halfback is pretty much the same as the Football Hero from Plyo, which is actually one of my favorite sets, so that was actually a highlight of the workout. And I was brought back down to earth with the Table Dip Leg Raise. I can do the Table just fine. But raising a leg and dipping proved to be way more work than my body was willing to do at this point. I gave it a good try, but it was another display of ugly. Got about 4 almost sets done.
So there was a lot of learning new moves and quite a few of them are gonna be a real challenge to master. But I have to pat myself on the back for sticking with it to the end. I felt like I brought more focus and intensity today than I did yesterday, so I'm happy about that as well. My first Core Synergistics is in the books and I have a feeling I'll be feeling it tomorrow. But I will just take it as a sign that It was Brought!!
So I am, at this moment, feeling the effects of this workout from my core to my arms and legs. So today's song is "Love You Inside and Out" by the BeeGees. Kenpo X tomorrow YAY! Talk atchu then!
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