Day 02 - Plyometrics
Lemme tell ya, Plyometrics is no joke! And it's certainly no funny anecdote. I sweated way more today than I did yesterday. My shirt was wet to the belly! It was tough, but I plowed
through it without having to push pause (although I came very close on more than one occasion, but decided to just take a short 5-6 second break when I needed to). Of course there was some modifications along the way, but not nearly as much as I expected, but quite a few none the less.

I had to be careful with all of the squatting exercises. Early on I went a little too low on the Run-Stance Squat and felt a slight pull in my left calf. So I immediately adjusted my depth on all of the rest of the squats. I did find that I had to resort to either quick stepping or low hopping on most of the exercises that involved springing from one direction to the other. I would start off springing then had to bring it down a notch because my legs were starting to burn.
The only exercise I had real trouble with was the Jump Knee Tuck. I wasn't able to get enough height to keep it steady. Quite the opposite of graceful. But the Rock Star Hop I found surprisingly much easier to do. I had to pause slightly between each one, but I got through it, Pete Townshend arm swing and all (it wasn't pretty, but it was there!).
Squat Jacks: NOT A FAN!!! My legs went into Jell-O Mode (hee hee, that sounds like Jell-O Mold) when attempting to do those. I had to step out of them early and walk around the room until the next thing came up.
Hot Potato was very hard for me. I had to pretend to skip rope instead, but it did the job by keeping the legs going.
I think I was happiest with the Mary Catherine Lunges. Me and lunges are generally not friends, so I was surprised that I not only did them with mostly good form, I was also able to raise my arms while doing them! So that was a proud moment.
All in all, Plyo was no walk in the park by any means. But for my first time doing it, I am happy with what I accomplished. I felt like quitting throughout the second half of the hour, but I persevered and kept going. My legs are gonna feel this later. But I'm not too worried because my legs have always been very strong from having to carry my weight around all these years.
One last thing, my downstairs neighbor thought that the noise she was hearing from upstairs was my roommate's cat. I could have easily blamed the cat, but I confessed that it was me.
In honor of today's workout, which wasn't easy, I present to you "No Easy Way Out" by Robert Tepper from Rocky IV. Please to enjoy and I will talk atchu later!!
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