Day 22 - Yoga X
I don't know what the problem was but this was not a shining moment for me with Yoga X. I dragged myself though it, but my focus and drive were not nearly as strong as it has been. Meither, in turn were my balance and extensions. Didn't want to give up, though.
I felt so much like I was just going through the motions during the Moving Asanas. Where my Downward Dogs and Planks were so strong in my last session, today I just wasn't all there. Relied on my kness a little more than I should've. Also found I hade to constantly adjust myself on pretty much all of the Warriors and Triangles. Oddly enough, in this section, I had the least trouble with the Chair, which had been troublesome for me before. I kept falling out of the Right Angle Poses and the Pose & Grab, moreso than the last few times. What balance I had gained just didn't seem to be there. The frustration continued with the Side Arm Balance, Standing Splits and Half Moons.
So when it came time to move onto the Balance Postures, I tried to regroup mentally. Things got a little better here, but just a little. Afte successfully doing Tree without falling out of it in my last Yoga X session, I kept slipping out of it when it went to balancing on my right foot today. My focus was
just faltering. Got thru Royal Dancer okay, got the quivers again on the Standing Leg Extension, however.

Onto Floor Work. Child's Pose in lieu of Crane. The way things were going so far, I knew this wouldn't be the day to attempt Crane. Spinal Stretch, Cat Stretch, Frog and Bridge were pretty much on par with the last session. Heading into Plough, Etc. a neighbor dropped by to see my roommate, so I pretty much had to pause everything for the few minutes they were in the living room with me. If I couldn't focus alone, I knew I wouldn't be able to in front of an audience. Afterwards, I resumed with the Table, Cobbler Pose and Hamstring Stretches with more of the same "meh".
Yoga Belly 7. I'm not gonna lie. I sort of half-assed my way though the first half of Belly. From the first Touch the Sky up to Scissor I was just not completely feeling it. But I knew the end was near, so I really tried to muster up some gusto for the remainder of the workout. So I kicked it up a little halfway through the Scissor, did an okay effort with the Torso Twist Holds and the second Touch the Sky. The Side Twist through to the the Child's Pose saw a little better effort on my part. And then I finally made to the end with the Corpse, Fetal and Meditation poses.
So even though this was sort of a lackluster Yoga X session for me, I can take some solace in knowing that I at least forced myself to get through it to the end and not completely give up. I will definitely have to regroup for tomorrow because that will bring my first session of Core Synergistics. I know I am gonna have to get back in the driver's seat and really Bring It.
So I will just take this as a minor setback and move forward. In honor of that notion here's "I Will Survive". Not the original, but the very cool cover by Cake. Here ya go. Laterz.
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