Day 12 - Legs & Back / Ab Ripper X
Another great workout with this one today! Like I said before, my legs are pretty strong, so I really enjoy this workout because even though it's still pretty brutal, it's one of the easier ones for me. I'll talk about the leg portion of the workout first, then review the numbers on the Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups afterwards.
My (un)Balanced Lunges started off shaky. I was a little overzealous going into it and that caused me to lose my balance, so I had to calm down a bit and really focus. Things smoothed out nicely going into the Calf-Raise Squat. I like the Super Skater even if I have to touch my toe to the floor, it's still a fun one. Still NOT a fan of the Wall Squat. For something that looks like it should be easy, it is murder on my quads. They really burn with this one.
I could stand to go deeper with the Step Back Lunge but I think I was still feeling the effects of the Wall Squat. However, I got my groove going again with the Alternating Side Lunge. the Single-Leg Wall Squat is worse than the regular W

On the Deadlift Squat, I still have to rest the toe of my raised foot on the floor, but still followed through with the motion. I am starting to really like the Three-Way Lunge with Kick. I got some good straight-leg kicks out of it today! I kinda like the Sneaky Lunge, too. Although I had to take a mini-break in the middle of the set. Chair Salutations is running neck-n-neck with the Wall Squats as far as my non-love for it. But I managed to hold it for most of the duration, be it trembling and really sweating it out.
I need to work on the form for the Toe-Roll Iso Lunge. I found that I couldn't keep my rear foot straight and I don't think I was rolling it enough. I will work on that. I was much lower on the Groucho Walk today than last week. I really fought for that. Calf Raises were a success, even though the toes-in position really puts a number on the calves. But I guess that's idea, right? Still not airborne yet on the Siebers Speed Squat, but stuck with it for the whole duration.
Now onto the Pull-Up/Chin-Up numbers. Still using the red band on these, for now. I adjusted my distance to create more tension in the band. Difference from last week again, is in red.
Reverse Grip Chin-Ups: 18/15 +5/0
Wide Front Pull-Ups: 19/12 +1/0
Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Ups: 15/20 -1/+4
Switch Grip Pull-Ups 20/20 0/0
Today's Ab Ripper X was pretty much on par with Wednesday's. A slight uptick in improvement. Just slight. But it's the last one for the week, and hopefully Monday will see more intensity and improvement.
A few notes
For probably 80% of the leg exercises, I was able to reasonably keep up with Tony and the Gang. I really made an effort to do that when it was possible. A few times I had to take a mini-break. Also, a few times my form near the end of each set would falter a bit with fatigue. But overall, I am very happy with how much I was able to keep up. I am really hoping the Yoga will increase my balance so I can do the one leg exerices without having to set my free foot on the floor. All in due time. There is no rush. And since this workout is practically every week for the round, I have plenty of time to improve. And I will!
As far as the Back portion, with the band adjustment and upping the intensity, it appears I sort of broke even with these numbers. I may go up to the Green Band for the next go 'round to make this more of a challenge.
Today's song is "Back to Life" by Soul II Soul. Get your groove on!!
Tomorrow is my favorite: Kenpo X!!!
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