Day 11 - Yoga X
It still astounds me how much sweat is generated from Yoga. I had always heard it to be true, but now that I have done it a couple of times, I truly know for myself. There were moments when it was dripping off my face like a leaky faucet!
So things got off to a rocky start because I was distracted by my roommie and the cat and was unable to completely focus, but once he left the room I was good. I was about 8 minutes in and didn't really see a reason to start over.
In the Moving Asanas, things seemed to go pretty much as well as last week. I seemed to be able to hold my Planks and Downward Dogs a bit better abd longer, but still had to periodically go to the knees. Still having trouble getting my raised arms completely vertical on the Triangle Poses, but holding it as high as I can for the duration is still a lot of work. As before the Twisting Chair is actually

On to the Balance Postures. A lot better on the Tree. Only dropped my raised leg a couple of time on both sides. On the Dancers Pose, I actually was able to hold my left ankle up, but once it was up, my balance was WAY off and I couldn't maintin the pose, so when it came to the right leg, I did like last week and just raised the right leg and outstretched my arms. Still have to keep my leg bent on the Standing Leg Extension, but again held it longer than last week.
Down to the Floor Work. Crane is still a distant goal for me, so again I settled for the Child's Pose here. Spinal Stretch still done with the hand grasping the knee instead of pushing with the elbow. Cat Stretch, Frog and Bridge were on par with last week. Also, still doing my very heavily modified version of the Plough into Shoulder Stand combo. I honestly don't know when I will ever be able to do that! Table and Cobbler Pose were a little stronger today, as were the Hamstring Stretches.
Yoga Belly!! Much like yesterdays Ab Ripper X, today's Yoga Belly was much better than last week. It felt like I got a smidge higher and held the pose longer on the Touch the Sky. Still a struggle, but better. Same with the Boat and Half Boat. I was trembling while holding them, but I held them, even though my legs were not nearly as high as Tony & Company. I'll take it! Even though my raised legs were again at around a 45-50 degree angle, the Scissor was also stronger as far as holding the raised leg and keeping the lowered leg off the floor. I maintained 2 sets of Torso Twist Holds instead of doing the Deep one. Again, the Side Twist and Glute Stretch were successful and my favorite, Happy Baby, I could do that for hours. Rounding out things with the Child's Pose and the very relaxing Corpse, Fetal and Meditation Poses, concluded a very good Yoga session.
It's still taking some getting used to. My balance is not the best. Nor is my flexibility. But I definitely felt a difference from last week and looking forward to my next Yoga X!
Today's song reminds me of the quiet strength that Yoga represents. "Sukiyaki" by A Taste of Honey. Please to enjoy!
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