My second encounter with Plyo is in the books! Went in with a little trepidation because I had a slight, but nagging soreness just below both knees, moreso on the right one. Also, was a bit tired, because I didn't get as much sleep as I needed to yesterday. But I didn't want to let that stop me, so I Pressed Play anyway!
Day 09 - Plyometrics
So I started out kinda gingerly this go 'round. But I knew I wanted to Bring It, so as I got into the workout, I began to push myself. I was careful not to spring too much on the Jump Squat on the fist round, but after feeling reasonably better as the first cycle went on (Run-Stance Squat, Heisman, Swing Kick) and went for it and jumped higher on the second cycle.
The next set went even better. Completed good cycles of the Squat Reach Jump. On the Run-Stance Squat Switch Pick-Up, I kept losing my place after each jump. So I paused a bit after each one to get my bearings and the finished the cycles in that fashion. I brought more intensity to the second cycle of the Double Airborne Heisman than the first and the Circle Run was the first time I was starting to get a little winded, but I plowed though, even though I ran out of my circle several times because my legs were r
eally feeling it.

Still having trouble with the Jump Knee Tuck. Height is still an issue, especially with my knees feeling a little wobbly. I opted to run inplace with high kness for the duration on both cycles. Mary Katherine Lunges were again a highlight of the workout for me. Those are fun! My Leapfrog Squats could've been deeper, will work on that. I also need to work on leaping with my feet in synch instead fo what amounts to a quick step. Twist Combo had my legs burning again on both cycles.
My knees kept me from doing the Rock Star Hop as well as I did last week. So instead of tucking the kness, I just hopped straight up, bent my kness slightly and did the "Pete Townshend" along with it, although I could only manage to get 3-4 in both directions. My Gap Jumps felt like they were a little shorter than last week and the Squat Jacks were more difficult as well than they were last week (and they were hard then, too). I did regular Jumping Jacks instead raising my arms halfway instead of all the way up. As simple as the Military March is, my already fatigued legs were starting to shake near the end of each cycle.
I can't touch the floor on the Run Squat 180 Jump Switch, but after regrouoping after the water break, I was able to get pretty low for my abilities. Same with the Lateral Leapfrog, although the first cycle I went deeper that the second because my legs were starting to burn again. Had no issue with Monster Truck Tire. Again the Hot Foot is problematic, "Jumped Rope" instead.
I think it's funny how Tony just slips that Bonus Round right in before you have a chance to realize what's going on. Sneaky! No problem. I made it this far, might as well finish it up! Pitch & Catch and Jump Shot found me bringing some third wind intensity and I really push it on those. Same going into Football Hero, but I started to lose a little gas toward the end.
I was quite happy this was over. And even happier that I stuck it out 'til the end! And my knees didn't collapse on me, in fact I think the workout did them some good. I have had my recovery drink and now I shall get me some well deserved rest.
Here's your song for today: "Voices Carry" by 'Til Tuesday. No real tie-in to the workout. But today is Tuesday!! And I like the song. So, here ya go . . .
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